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The Christmas tree in the library

12/04/2024 10:06

La Direzione

News, Montano Lucino, Scuola Materna Lucino, Scuola dell'infanzia Lucino, Asilo Lucino, Albero, Natale, Biblioteca,

The Christmas tree in the library

This year, the library's Christmas tree is special: it was born from the imagination of children and their families!


This year, the library's Christmas tree is special: it was born from the imagination of children and their families! Each one chose a Christmas book and, inspired by the story, created a character to decorate the tree. Thus, among the branches, Santa Clauses, elves, reindeer, snowmen, and many other protagonists of the most beloved stories come to life, transforming the tree into a symbol of creativity, reading, and sharing. A tribute to the magic of books and the joy of Christmas!

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